It's not typical that a painter in Northern Virginia will give you a per-hour rate, but you can ask. Hourly rates for professional painters can cost $70 or more per hour for specialized work.
When it comes to hiring Edwards Enterprises Custom Painting for your home, understanding the cost breakdown is essential. Painters typically charge for labor and materials. Labor constitutes a significant portion of the total cost, usually ranging from 80% to 85% of the overall paint job cost. Here are some key points to consider:
Per Square Foot Pricing:
For interior paint projects, most painters charge around $7 per square foot. This estimate includes at least two coats of paint.
If you decide to add window and door trims, moldings, or painted doors, the cost may increase slightly.
For exterior jobs, the range is around $6 per square foot, covering gutters, windows, trim, and decorative elements.
Painters often calculate the total square footage in advance and provide a flat rate for the entire job.
Per Room Charges:
While less common, some painters may charge per room. For instance:
Repainting a bedroom typically costs between $800 and $1,200.
Larger spaces like living rooms may exceed $3,000.
These rates often include any necessary repainting.
Economies of scale are important. It may not cost $2400 to paint 3 rooms because you would be able to paint those rooms at the same time. If they are painted separately, the costs may be higher.
Hourly Rates:
Although not the norm, you can inquire about an hourly rate.
Basic paint jobs may cost around $50 per hour.
Specialized work, such as murals or using specific types of paint, could be $100 or more per hour.
On average, a painting professional can cover 150 to 350 square feet per hour.
Remember to account for both coats of paint and allocate time for preparation work and cleanup. The experience and skill level of the painter also influence the hourly rate. Call 703-330-9980 today for a FREE Estimate.